Kayak - the best means of transport for beautiful nature experiences

By definition, a kayak is a covered canoe that is propelled with a double-bladed paddle. Kayaking is not only a wonderful way to experience nature and silence, but also gentle training and exercise for whole the body, even the legs. It holds enough for a week-long trip in the archipelago, and yet the kayak itself weighs no more than it can be carried by a single person. As it glides along silently, you see the seabirds much closer, and if you're lucky, the surface of the water is soon broken by black heads with whiskers: young curious seals wondering what you have in store for you.
If you are interested in buying a kayak or a Canadian, we recommend you read 5 things to consider when buying a kayak and 5 things to consider when buying a canoe.
The word kayak itself is Inuit and means "vessel for men". The kayaks were originally made of sealskin stretched over a frame of wood or whalebone. They were originally developed for seal hunting with harpoons and were usually small and cramped - it is usually said that the Inuit do not step into the kayak, but "put it on". The cockpit on traditional models is extremely small and the Greenlanders never leave these when capsizing, but climb up using so-called "rolling" or an Eskimo turn.
If you want to rent a kayak, or want to know more about kayak courses and other guided tours, you can read more and book here.
Kayaks were historically used – and are still used – all over Greenland and also elsewhere in the Arctic and vary quite a lot from region to region, both in shape and size. Modern sea kayaks have their origins in the craft from the area around Disko Bay on the west coast of Greenland, which is mostly a coincidence – when British manufacturers started modern production in the 60s and 70s, the prototypes just happened to come from there.
They are now made as one- or two-man kayaks in different plastic materials and have rudders or so-called skædda, a small fin under the stern, which is folded down with a small lever on the side of the cockpit. There are at least two large watertight storage compartments, and these also act as floating tanks that make the boat unsinkable in the event of a capsize. The cockpits, which were originally almost circular, have become larger and longer, so-called "keyholes", to facilitate entry and exit. In other words: they have been adapted for Westerners who are, on average, slightly taller. So you can now calmly indulge in paddling without mastering rolling.
Today, kayaks can be rented in many parts of the country and the interest in paddling has increased explosively in recent years. Beginner courses, guided tours of various degrees of difficulty and role-playing courses are available in more and more places and you can try most things, from Stand Up Paddleboard (DRINK), single person kayak , two-man kayak , Canadians , etc. More and more people are discovering the smoothness and silence, you arrive at shallow waters where no larger boats dare to enter, or, if you are a little more daring, to the outermost skerries far out to sea. A modern kayak does not load as much as a Canadian, but still significantly more than, for example, a mountain backpack. But you also don't have to save on weight in the same way as when hiking in the mountains, but can add that little extra that adds a golden edge to the weekly trip.
A couple of kayaks can easily fit on an ordinary car roof. This makes it easy and convenient to travel around the country and find your own donut places. Allemansrätten, and all our lakes, streams and rivers, as well as not least our long coast with all its archipelagos, make Sweden the perfect country to experience from a kayak.
Of course, safety thinking is important. Longer tours for inexperienced paddlers are preferably done with an experienced guide. Despite the obvious risks and vulnerability at sea, fatal accidents are statistically extremely rare. Beginner courses usually include various things to consider, such as equipment and methods for buddy rescue or self-rescue with a float.
However, swimming skills and good judgment are a good start.
If you have questions or want to know more about kayaks and paddling in general, you are welcome to contact us at Långholmen kayak!