Havspaddeln Viggen beginner kayak

6,990 SEK11,490 SEK Sale Save 39%
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One of our best sellers that works well as a beginner kayak.
Viggen is a very stable, light and slightly shorter sea kayak that can be used by both adults and children. The Viggen has a spacious cockpit, and despite its relatively short length, has good storage space for longer trips. Very flexible and easy to handle on land.

  • Perfect beginner kayak
  • Very stable
  • Made of strong and durable HDPE plastic

10 best reasons why you should buy a Havspaddeln Viggen
Very stable
Perfectly suited for the beginner
Shorter length
Lower weight
2 large tailgates
Comfortable seat with adjustable backrest
Large cockpit
Mesh pocket for storing, for example, a map or water bottle
Kayak trailer fits in the boot
Adjustable foot pedals
Versatile and easy to paddle beginner kayak
Viggen is particularly suitable in calmer water but also works in windy conditions (in which case a canopy is preferred). The versatility of the keel is a factor that has contributed to the kayak's popularity. For the beginner, the Viggen is a good choice - it is stable, easy to paddle and at the same time offers great opportunities for those who want to develop.

The relatively short length of the kayak means that you get a good response from the paddlers, which is important above all when you paddle in streams, rivers and smaller watercourses.

Viggen beginner kayak

A durable kayak for the whole family
The adjustable footrests, which are used to operate the rudder at the back of the kayak, allow the kayak to be adapted to paddlers between 150-190 cm. This means that many in the family can use the kayak.

The kayak is made of HDPE polyethylene plastic, which is a very durable and hard-wearing material. This allows you to pull the kayak up onto the cliff edge or jetty without worrying about cracks and damage.

Large comfortable cockpit
That the kayak is comfortable is important, it should be easy and comfortable to get out on the water! Viggen has a large and comfortable cockpit. The legs can move relatively freely, which enables relaxed paddling, and the soft seat makes you sit comfortably even during the longer paddling trip. The backrest can be easily adjusted so that it sits comfortably.

Beginner kayak Viggen

Packing spaces
The kayak has two storage compartments, one in the front and one in the back, where you can fit necessities and other packing for the paddling trip. Smaller items are stored easily in the mesh pocket located in front of the cockpit. Between the packing hatches and the cockpit there are waterproof bulkheads that make the Viggen float even if the cockpit were to fill with water.

Easy to carry
At the stern and bow there are handles that are used when the kayak has to be carried. If you want to carry the kayak yourself, it is convenient to carry it with a grip on the cockpit.

3-layer or 1-layer plastic?
Unfortunately, there are players on the Swedish kayak market who mislead consumers regarding the quality of plastic kayaks. Whether the kayak is made in 1 layer or in 3 does not have to affect the kayak's quality, performance or durability. The kayak's plastic can be the same thickness regardless of the number of layers and different constructions are suitable for different models and hull shapes.

1 - Bearing plastic is more compliant/flexible and is therefore more susceptible to shocks and bangs. Fits well on short plastic kayaks.
3-layer plastic is stiffer, less flexible, but is often a better choice on a kayak that is longer than 5 m where you need increased torsional stiffness.

The kayak's price is never determined based on the number of layers of plastic, but rather based on the quality of the plastic and the kayak's details. If you have questions about the type of plastic, please ask us. We have 10 years in the industry and over the years have sold many kayaks of both plastic types.

Condition: New product
Model: Versatile/all-round kayak
Length: 445 cm
Width: 58 cm
Weight: 23 kg
Maximum load: 130 kg
Material: HDPE
Volume tailgates: Front; 70 liters, rear; 50 liters
Cockpit outer dimensions: 92 x 49 x 29 cm
Cockpit internal dimensions: 86 x 43 x 27 cm

Suitable for those who are approx. 150 - 190 cm and paddle mostly in calm water.

Weight 23 kg
Dimensions 100 × 58 × 25 cm
Blue, Blue-Black, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink, White

11 490 kr 6 990 kr
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Customer Reviews

Based on 55 reviews

Jag gillar verkligen min nya (egna) kajak, har paddlat några år på familjens kajaker. Denna är på annan nivå, håller på att lära känna min nya kompisar.

Nicklas Månspers

Jag fick denna modell i 50-års present!

Har paddlat lite från och till och är inte ovan.
Är väldigt nöjd med mångsidigheten hos denna kajak.

Har provat i ganska tuffa förhållanden i havet och det var väldigt stabilt och tryggt. Likväl i lugn sjö är detta en trevlig bekantskap.

En mycket trevlig kajak.

Jan Eriksson
Bra utrustning

Lättsam stabil kajak men lämpliga fästanordningar. Kräver montering av roder med medföljande insexskruvar och låsringar.
Injustering av pedaler sker enkelt med ett skjutreglage.
Paddla gärna med en erfaren kompis första gångerna i lugnt vatten. Det finns mycket man inte vet att man behöver veta.

Johannna Krutrök
Enligt min smak - en fantastisk kajak

Precis den kvalitet vi eftersträvade! Kajakhållarna på bilen smidigt ditsatta, kajakvagnarna stabila för olika underlag och särskilt med spännbanden, mobilfodralen är vattentäta, kajakerna nätta, lätta och balanserade, packpåsarna i olika storlekar väldigt praktiska. Leveransen var dessutom oerhört snabb och smidig. Tips är att beställa insteg till bildörr för en smidig fästning! Vi ser fram emot många vackra (och ibland utmanande) kajakturer tack vare Långholmen kajak!

Olaf Walkowiak
Riktigt bra för priset

Jag är faktiskt lite för tung, men det fungerar väldigt bra!
Jag beställde en paddel till den och det var OK, men varför är alla paddlar numera bara roterbara upp till 45 grader? Jag är faktiskt van vid 90 grader, vilket är mycket bättre, särskilt i motvind. Jag kommer från Tyskland, min svenska är tyvärr inte så bra!