Everything about how to store your kayak

It is important that you think about how you store yours kayak - regardless of whether it is for a shorter period or if you put it away for winter storage. If your kayak is stored correctly and in a suitable place, you will maintain the condition of the kayak for a long time. In addition, you minimize the risk of it being stolen.
• Indoor or outdoor storage
• Kayak storage indoors
- The garage
– Wall holder for kayak
– Kayak stand
- Kayak space at the club
• Kayak storage outdoors
• Things to avoid
Store the kayak indoors or outdoors?
In general, you can say that a kayak is best stored indoors. It is normally not damaged by wind and cold, but more so by sun and pollution which can contribute to drying out the kayak's seals and packing hatches.
If you do not have the opportunity to store your kayak indoors, you need to find a suitable place for outdoor storage. The advantage of storing your kayak outdoors is of course that it takes up less space in your home, but also that it becomes more easily accessible and that you get out on the water faster. At the same time, it is important to bear in mind that there are greater stresses during outdoor storage, such as moisture, dirt and insects. It is therefore important that you think about cleaning your kayak from time to time.
You can find more about smart solutions for outdoor storage further down in the article.
How durable is your kayak? Do you have a durable plastic kayak or a fragile wooden kayak that requires more maintenance? Kayaks made of durable materials such as plastic usually do better outdoors than, for example, wooden kayaks.
Tips on indoor storage
Storing the kayak with accessories in the garage is a good and common solution. Here you usually have enough space, good temperature conditions and also close access to the car roof when you want to transport the kayak. You should avoid putting the kayak directly on the floor, instead use wall holder for kayaking, kayak holder (transport cradles) or one kayak stand.
With wall holder you hang the kayak on the wall in a neat and easy way. If you choose to place the holders a bit up on the wall, you also save floor space and can easily fold them in when not in use. The wall brackets , which are sold in pairs, are attached with screws to the wall and mounted at a suitable distance from each other (approx. 1.5 m – 3 m).
The transport cradles above is one of the simplest and most flexible solutions for kayak storage. The transport cradles are made to be pushed onto the roof rack, but work just as well as support when the kayak is stored on the floor or on top of, for example, a couple of wooden trestles.
Kayak stand are available to buy in several different models, but it is also easy to make one yourself with the help of a saw and a couple of boards.
Rent a kayak spot
If you need to rent a kayak spot, check with your local boat or canoe club if they have kayak spots available for rent. Although the prices usually vary from club to club, many people think there are many advantages to storing the kayak at a boat club. You are not only close to the water, but also have the opportunity to find new paddle buddies. On the website kanot.com you can find all the country's canoe clubs.
Kayak storage outdoors
If you have a plastic kayak, it is possible to store it outdoors even during the winter - as long as you have the right conditions. Covering the kayak with some kind of roof is always better than having it in the open. A large tarpaulin or a homemade roof is usually enough to protect the kayak.
Some choose to store the kayak upside down, lying under the overhanging roof to prevent large amounts of snow from ending up on the kayak. If you choose this method, think about placing something under the kayak so that it comes up a bit from the ground.
If you store the kayak in a place where there is a chance of it being stolen, it is a good idea to lock the kayak with a chain or a cable. Either you can run the chain/cable through the seat inside the cockpit or you can run a cable through the pre-mounted locking loop found on some kayaks.
It is important that you cover the kayak and try to avoid moisture or water freezing on and in the kayak, which in the worst case can cause cracks. Try to store the kayak as dry as possible.
Idea for a solution for a home-built kayak stand.
5 things you should NOT do when storing your kayak
Do not leave the kayak exposed to the sun for long periods.
Avoid storing your kayak in direct sunlight. The UV light can in some cases bleach the color and/or damage the outer material if you store your kayak in this way for a long time. In addition, the heat can contribute to the softening of the joints and the drying of the stuffing boxes. -
Do not store the kayak with the cockpit facing up .
If you store your kayak lying outside without any protection, such as a tarpaulin or a transport chapel , is it easy for dirt and moisture to get into the cockpit and packing hatches. -
Exposing the kayak to unnecessary pressure.
A kayak that is stored on, for example, two smaller wooden blocks, can be affected and become dented if it is subjected to additional pressure. In other words, it is a bad idea to load things on the kayak or to load two kayaks on top of each other. -
Strap the kayak too tight.
If you use any kind of tensioning straps, do not tighten them too tightly, no matter how durable the kayak feels. The kayak can then lose its shape over time. -
Leave the kayak lying on a rough hard surface.
In this case, you may accidentally scratch the hull of the kayak when moving the kayak.