Kärsön, Kungshatt, Fågelön

Length: full day or overnight / 16+ km
Degree of difficulty: 4/5 (for those who have paddled before)
For those of you who want to go on a slightly longer paddle trip (full day or maybe just overnight), there are many islands in Mälaren that are suitable as a resting place/overnight place. Kärsön, Kungshatt and Fågelön are all large islands that are relatively close to each other, about 2-3 hours paddling (one way) from Långholmen kayak. We recommend that you explore the shoreline on site and find a suitable place to rest/overnight. The best and easiest is if you find a small beach where it is easy to pull up the kayak.
The tour starts from our jetty where you paddle out under Långholmsbron and then further west out under Reimersholmsbron. Then cross the fairway and pass Gröndal on your left, after which you pass under the Essinge Bridge.
Stay to the left of the fairway and pass Vinterviken, Aspudden and Mälarhöjden on your left. When you are "level" with Mälarhöjden, you can choose whether you want to cross the fairway and paddle towards Kärsön or Fågelön, or whether you want to paddle another 30 minutes to instead reach Kungshatt, and find a suitable resting place there.
Often there is a tailwind on the way out towards Lake Mälaren and a headwind on the way back, or vice versa. This can be good to take into account, especially if you have a tailwind on the way out, it can be significantly more tiring to paddle the same route back against the wind.